穿到民国好好学习生活 第263节(2 / 4)

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  no,‘tis not so deep as well,nor so wide as a church door;but 'tis enough,‘twill serve.ask for tomorrow,you will find a grave man.i am peppered,i warrant,for this world.a plague o' both your houses! zounds, a dog,a rat,a mouse,a cat,to scratch a man to death!a braggart, a rogue,a villain,that fights by the book of arithmetic! why the devil came you between us?i was hurt under your arm.
  two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
  having some business,do entreat her eyes
  to twinkle in their spheres till they return.
  what if her eyes were there,they in her head?
  the brightness of her cheek would shame those stars.
  as daylight doth a lamp;her eyes in heaven
  would through the airy region stream so bright.
  that birds would sing and think it were not night.
  see how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
  o that i were a glove upon that hand
  that i might touch that cheek.
  ……感谢在2021-10-20 13:20:23~2021-10-23 00:48:50期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦~
  感谢灌溉营养液的小天使:薄荷酒巧 20瓶;现在及他日 3瓶;大南瓜、李唐宋朝 2瓶;
  第185章 杜太爷奋斗不止
  珍卿回到楚州路杜宅, 看着据说厥过去的杜太爷没啥事,她稍微放心一些。却见慕江南先生竟然也在她家,赶紧两头询问究竟怎么回事。
  慕江南先生, 起头跟珍卿讲这个因由。
  原来,慕先生的画展彻底结束, 该处理的事已经处理完, 饮水思源, 想到此番展画能找回来, 多亏杜太爷误打误撞, 撞见那个复制钥匙的曲鉴。
  慕先生无限感激杜太爷,想着怎么回报一下他,想这老头儿没啥高雅追求, 就说送杜太爷五万块钱。 ↑返回顶部↑
