Lesson 09 打电话(1 / 3)

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  lesson 09 打电话
  telephone calls
  01 who is that, speaking?
  这句话是打电话常用语,当你想知道对方的身份时可以这样说,还可以用who is speaking,please?或who is calling?
  02 this is james smith.
  这句话是在打电话中介绍自己的身份的用语。用于主动介绍自己或对方想知道你是谁时,如this is irene.表示“我是艾琳。”
  03 who do you want to talk to?
  类似表达 to whom do you wish to talk? / whom are you calling?
  04 i was just about to phone you.
  be about to表示“刚要,正打算”,相当于be going to,所以这句话还可以说成i was just going to phone you.
  05 i will let her answer your phone.
  词组释义 answer the phone 接电话
  06 i'm so sorry to phone you so early.
  i'm sorry that i make such an early phone call. / i'm sorry to call you so early.
  07 hold on, please.
  这句话通常用于接电话的人并不是你想找的人,这时对方会说hold on, please.然后去帮你叫你要找的人。
  08 there is a call for you.
  有你的电话。 ↑返回顶部↑
