Lesson 04 市场调研(1 / 2)

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  lesson 04 市场调研
  market research
  01 our products are popular with young people.
  词组释义 be popular with 受……的欢迎
  02 this new product sells well among university students.
  03 in fact, we have potential in the market.
  单词释义 potential [p??ten?l] n. 潜力,潜能
  04 these products can't bear such a big price cutting.
  词组释义 price cutting 削价,大减价
  05 what's your opinion about the quality of our new product?
  what do you think about the quality of our new product? / what is your view on the quality of our new product? / do you have any thoughts on the quality of our new product?
  06 how did you know about our brand?
  注意事项 how did you get to know about our brand?
  07 packing also has a big effect upon the sales volume of our products.
  have a big effect on... 对……有大的影响 sales volume 销售量,销售额
  08 do you think the price of our product is reasonable?
  do you think our product is reasonably priced? / do you think our product is at a reasonable cost? ↑返回顶部↑
