Lesson 08 订购及确认订单(1 / 2)

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  lesson 08 订购及确认订单
  order and confirmin
  01 this is our purchase order for 200 printers.
  词组释义 purchase order 订单,订货单,采购订单
  02 we do wish to order from you according to this purchase order.
  词组释义 according to 根据,按照
  03 which model do you want to order, and how many pieces are you looking for?
  what model are you going to order, and how many will you order?
  04 we have decided to make an order for 2,000 tons of coal this time.
  词组释义 make an order 订货,下订单
  05 i want to place an order with you for 400 pieces of t-shirts.
  词组释义 place an order 下订单,订购
  06 it is our pleasure to receive the order from you and confirm our acceptance for it.
  语法提要 confirm... for为……确认,确定
  07 we await the favor of your order, to which shall we pay our immediate attention.
  单词释义 await [??we?t] vt. 等候,等待
  08 we can deliver the items within three days after receiving your order.
  shipment will be effected within three days after we receive your order.
  09 here is the confirmation of your order of shoes placed two days ago.
  这是贵方两天前所下订单的确认函。 ↑返回顶部↑
