Lesson 11 投诉及索赔(2 / 2)

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  单词释义 evidence [?ev?d?ns] n. 证据
  10 we are here on the purpose of making a claim of the latest shipment.
  词组释义 make a claim 提出索赔
  11 i'm afraid we couldn't consider your claim as requested for the evidence you provided is inadequate.
  单词释义 inadequate [?n??d?kw?t] adj. 不充足的,不适当的
  12 we are compelled to reserve the right to lodge a claim against you.
  词组释义 be compelled to do 迫不得已去做,不得不去做
  13 if your claim against us is reasonable, we'll be sure to settle it according to the contract.
  单词释义 settle [?setl] vt. 解决,安排 vi. 定居,下沉
  14 the two parties are working on the claim clause of the latest shipment.
  the claim problem of the latest shipment is under negotiation now.
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