Lesson 10 电子邮件(1 / 3)

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  lesson 10 电子邮件
  01 how is the latest project going on?
  单词释义 latest [?le?t?st] adj. 最近的,最迟的,最新的
  02 we will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon; please inform everyone in time.
  词组释义 hold a meeting 举行会议,开会
  03 i want to know what's your opinion on the next step.
  宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序。如:i don't know what's wrong with you.我不知道你怎么了。
  04 we are looking forward to your reply and suggestions.
  注意事项 这句话通常是写在邮件的末尾或信件的末尾,表示期待再次和对方取得联系。
  05 thanks for your advice, but we suggest that we should have a teleconference this saturday.
  06 please consult the attached evaluation report.
  词组释义 evaluation report 评估报告
  07 thank you for your help.
  appreciate for what you did for us. / thanks for your assistance. / we really appreciate the effort that you made.
  08 there is something that needs improving about your work.
  need在作实意动词时,本身不可以表示被动,但可以在其后加动词的-ing形式或用动词不定式的被动结构来表示被动的含义。 ↑返回顶部↑
