Lesson 10 电子邮件(2 / 3)

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  09 i'm convinced that our products don't have any problems.
  10 although the lay time was delayed, all the same, we admitted that you have done your best.
  词组释义 lay time 装卸时间,停泊期间,许可装载时间
  11 i would like to inform you that i agree on your proposal.
  单词释义 proposal [pr??p??zl] n. 方案,建议
  12 we are sorry to inform you that we couldn't deliver on time because of weather condition.
  单词释义 deliver [d?'l?v?(r)] vt. 发表,释放,交付,使分娩 vi. 投递,履行,实现
  13 it's difficult for us to accept the reference price that you offered.
  词组释义 reference price 参考价格
  14 i hope my proposal is helpful to your project.
  单词释义 project [?pr?d?ekt] n. 项目
  15 i'm writing to inform you to attend the seminar afternoon.
  attend, take part in, join和participate都可以表示“参加”,很容易混淆,但它们之间是有区别的:attend指的是出席或参加比较正式的活动,take part in侧重于在活动中起积极作用,join指的是加入党派、群体等活动,participate指的是积极地参加某一项活动。
  16 thanks for your effort, and you really did a good job.
  词组释义 do a good job 干的不错
  17 i'm writing to confirm that whether you have accepted my voice messages.
  单词释义 confirm [k?n?f?:m] vt. 确认,证实,使巩固,批准
  18 please tell me the status of this project at any time. ↑返回顶部↑
